(360) 297-2298 | 25985 Barber Cut Off Rd NE, Suite B2 | Kingston, WA 98346 | Book an Appointment

Restorative Dentistry

We know it's not always easy for you to sort through the complicated possibilities of restoring your oral health. Kingston Dental and Dr. Couch's background in restorative dentistry allows us to develop solutions for every scenario. 


  • Brighten stained or discolored teeth

  • Repair cracks or fractures

  • Fill gaps between teeth

  • Correct overcrowding

  • Reshape teeth

  • Replace missing teeth

  • Replace old metallic restorations, such as fillings and crowns

Porcelain Veneers

Damaged teeth might seem hopeless, but there’s often still a solid foundation that leaves you with options. A crown, or cap, can bring a compromised tooth back to full function. And with modern porcelains, you'll probably have a difficult time trying to find where the crown ends and the tooth starts.

Porcelain Bridges

Dental bridges have traditionally been a top choice for replacing missing teeth. With the widespread use of dental implants, more options are now available to bridge gaps in your smile. Esthetic, customized porcelains, engineered into a bridge can be designed to eliminate spaces of every size.

Composite Fillings

Cavities, chips, and fractures occur on any tooth surface throughout the mouth. Composite filling material provides a versatile solution to many common problems. Blended into a prepared area, the composite polishes to a smooth, undetectable surface.


Dental Implants

Replacing missing teeth with implants brings your mouth back to full function and well-being. Stunning porcelains replicate natural teeth perfectly, whether it’s one or more absent teeth. Single crowns or complex bridges can be supported by implants, with solutions for every scenario.